X-Men: Days of Future Past Poster and 2nd Trailer Is Out Now

X-Men fans, brace yourselves for the 2nd trailer of Days of Future Past is now out and that’s not all, Fox also released the official movie poster a few hours ago.

So after pressing the replay button on Youtube for a hundredth time, now we can dissect the uncanny trailer for major plots.

A few weeks ago, we were devastated that Storm’s screentime has been chopped to a mere 5 or 20 seconds.

This is probably the reason why:


Screenshot from the trailer. Darn. That’s a sentinel giving storn a pat in the back. |20th Century Fox |

Ok, here is the GIF to make you cringe:

Does this mean Storm will not be in Apocalypse movie? | 20th Century Fox |WhatCulture.com

Does this mean Storm will not be in Apocalypse movie? | 20th Century Fox |

Another surprising mutant in Days of Future Past is Roberto Da Costa a.k.a. Sunspot and the surprising change they made. I am not pleased with these changes, as a huge fan of New Mutants this kinda sucks that Sunspot has been revamped into Human Torch. If they wan’t a “flame on” mutant that is not human torch then they should have just added Sunfire and not Sunspot. Maybe the writers initial plan was to add Sunfire then got confused in the end with Sunspot.

Err. Why am I in flames? I am supposed to be a human solar battery with super strength now burning in flames! |Screen from |20th Century Fox |Whatculture.com

Err. Why am I in flames? I am supposed to be a human solar battery with super strength not burning in flames! |Screen from |20th Century Fox |

Two of my favorite X-Men, Blink and Colossus. Who would have thought Blink will make it in an X-Men movie and Magik won’t. In this scene, Blink is using her teleporting powers, it would have been cooler if these two are the Rasputin siblings.


Blink teleporting someone. |20th Century Fox |

Here is another awesome shot of Sunfire, Sorry, I meant Sunspot.

Burn, baby, Burn!

Burn, baby, Burn! |20th Century Fox |

and of course, the sentinels:

Colossus versus Sentinel (guess what model?)

Colossus versus Sentinel (guess what model?) |20th Century Fox |

And here is another shot of a different Sentinel, looked like it came from Asgard, what’s up with the face blasting.

Talk to my face!

Talk to my face! |20th Century Fox |

and of course, we can’t forget our favorite annoying mutant Quicksilver which Fox butchered in many levels:

Quicksilver in the middle having a sour face. Not from listening to never ending arguments of Magneto and Prof. X. He is probably pissed because he just saw his other and much better version in Avengers.

Quicksilver in the middle having a sour face. Not from listening to the never ending arguments of Magneto and Prof. X. He is probably pissed because he just saw his other and much better version in Avengers. |20th Century Fox |

I present to you, the Quicksilver of Avengers!

This is how you make a Quicksilver!

This is how you make a Quicksilver! |20th Century Fox |

and here is one of the official posters, it’s amazing!

Hey, why is Mystique taking so much space in the poster? Storm is an Oscar winner too.

Hey, why is Mystique taking so much space in the poster? Storm is an Oscar winner too. |20th Century Fox |

Official 2nd Trailer, watch and cringe!

X-Men: Days of Future Past